There are updates fairly regularly. Here's the instructions to update everything fairly easily. It is recommended to upgrade your server when you update the skill.
To upgrade the cli, type this in your terminal:
npm upgrade -g lexigram-cli
All it takes when there is a new version to upgrade the skill is this:
lexigram deploy kanzi
lexigram deploy koko
Just delete the existing app from your Heroku Dashboard, and create another with the button below with the same name you gave earlier.
Skill | Deploy |
Kanzi | |
Koko |
AWS Lambda
Log into AWS, and just upload the new zip you created with:
lexigram generate-function kazni
lexigram generate-function koko
To update the version deployed, just restart the docker container, if the version differs from that previously deployed it will automatically redeploy the new version. You can up/downgrade at will by tagging your docker run/compose command with one of the tags here, for example:
will grab the latest version for your architecture
would grab the Kanzi release from 04.20.2019
New docker images will be published automatically when there are updated releases of Kanzi, or when there are updates to base packages in the docker container.